Saving Energy - Tips & Tricks

We are always looking for ways to save energy. provides a helpful list of tips you can use to reduce your energy use at home. Take a look at these checklist of actions and try to incorporate them into your daily life!

  • Close blinds during summer or use strategic shading with trees or awnings to block the sun's hot rays; at night, open the windows rather than turning on the A/C.

  • Set your hot water heater to 120 degrees.

  • Turn off your TV when you’re not watching it. Or read more, or make your own music!

  • Lower your thermostat in the winter by 2 degrees from the temperature you usually set.

  • Lower the thermostat at night or when leaving home. Set programmable thermostats to the lowest setting you use, then use the temporary “step up” function only when you want heat.

  • Always turn off lights when you leave a room. Think about how many lights you really need on when you are in the room.

  • Don’t leave water running if you don't have to.

  • Unplug appliances that you are not using (many draw electricity even when not in use).

  • Turn off your computer if you will be away from it for more than an hour. Set the default settings to go to sleep or standby when you have not touched the computer for a few minutes.

  • Set electronic games to energy saving defaults, too.

  • Don't open the refrigerator unless you know what you want.

  • Keep drapes or blinds on windows closed at night in winter and during the day in summer to reduce heating and cooling costs.

  • Set the air conditioner to 78-83 degrees in the summer

  • Or turn the A/C off completely and open windows to create a natural ventilation system. This will allow warm air to escape at night. Vacuum dust from refrigerator coils (every 4-6 months).

  • Wash your clothes in cold water, consider a clothesline for drying.

  • Use energy-saving settings on refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, and clothes dryers.

  • Plug all electronics into power strips and switch off everything, including those “vampire” loads, which suck energy even when the gadget is off.

  • Collect your utility bills. Separate electricity and fuel bills. Target the biggest bill for energy conservation remedies.

  • Get a home energy audit.